Then go to drive C and open “User” with your username.A folder will open where you must delete all temporary files. Don’t worry, this data is not necessary for your operating system. Finally, close the window.Now, open RUN / EXECUTE again, type % temp% in the search box, and press Enter / Return.

Once you have done that, navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER software followed by the software name. Repeat step 4 and close the registry editor window once you are done.If a key name is found that refers to the software in question, delete it.You will find all this in the left panel. Then the registry editor window will appear. Here you must navigate to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE followed by the name of the software whose trial period you want to remove.Open RUN / EXECUTE (Windows key + R), type the word ” Regedit ” in the search box when the window opens, then press enter/enter.